Episode 70: Trying New Events, Vitamin D, Fueling, and More!

In this week’s episode, Katie and Elena hit on a grab bag of topics that have been coming up from athletes and listeners recently: trying new types of athletic events, coping with winter, fueling FAQs, supplements, body image follow-ups, and more! With a mix of personal anecdotes and learnings from our community, we had a blast with this one and hope you find it useful too. Check it out! 

Challenge of the Week

Katie: Body scan! Try to spend a minute or two lying down and scanning through your whole body to check where/if you are holding any tension, then think about an action plan to help address whatever is going on (massage gun, trigger point release with a lacrosse ball, foam roller, sports massage/chiropractor visit, etc.).
Elena: Plan a cool date night! With a partner, a friend, or yourself. Any activity that would be out of the ordinary for you. 

Gear Pick of the Week

Katie: Alaska Bear sleep mask

Elena: STRYKR gels