We’re starting the transition to from base season to race season fast! This episode covers a bunch of topics we’re thinking about as our athletes welcome spring, the build phase, and even some races. We talk through the what, why, and how of tapering, the common pattern we see of bad race simulations and good races, and reminders on the benefits of zone 2 and how to make easy aerobic training more bearable. We also do a deep dive (no pun intended) on common swim technique issues, cues to address them, and why making the swim a low metabolic stress event needs to be the goal of triathlon swim prep. Finally, we chat through the pros and cons of TrainingPeaks’ new “See How I Stack Up” feature and share some fun challenges and gear picks of the week. Check it out!
Coaching and Training Insights
Many athletes are getting ready for April races! This means: taper!
What is a taper?
Why do we taper?
How do we taper?
Why the taper is scary -- hard to feel like the hay is in the barn and there’s nothing else you can really do to build fitness
Don’t be one of those people in the IMLP facebook group that’s riding 100 miles one week out from race day
What to expect when tapering?
Sometimes body feels weird
Niggles, other things “off”
All part of the process
How to mentally get through the taper
Spend your extra time on mental prep, rolling/mobility, getting your gear organized, SLEEP, meal prep, etc. All the things that are harder to fit in when you are busy with peak training
Jim: Make a list! Read the athlete guide. Make a race day schedule.
Also, check out our episodes on:
Bad race sims and good races
Many athletes are starting race sims!
Mixed bag of results especially early in the season when hard RP intervals are done on the trainer and weather outside is variable
Some comments along the lines of “this did not go very well, probably because of X”
Mindset shift: GREAT! If your race sim didn’t go well, we probably learned a ton of things about what we can change for next time so things go better. This is why we get 2-4 race sims in before a longer race so we can troubleshoot as many issues as we can
Time and time again I have seen the classic “race sim went poorly, race went great” progression. So try to keep in mind the rule of thirds and use bad race sims as a learning opportunity
This goes for good race sims too - if anything worked particularly well, document it so you can replicate it
Some reminders/tips on Zone 2:
Check out our episode on Zone 2 Training!
A lot of athletes are frustrated with having to stare at their watch during workouts to make sure they are staying in Zone 2
I’ve increasingly moved to some feel-based cues and suggested athletes take a break from focusing exclusively on staring at the watch. Things to try:
Rate of perceived exertion - should be around a 4 out of 10 on Z2 runs. Easy!
Talk test - could you hold a conversation while running? (Bonus points if you could sing a song!)
Nose breathing - could you breathe in and out of your nose
Other things to try:
Running on a very flat surface, e.g. track
Hacks for getting HR lower
Watch caffeine intake prior to run
No fasted training
Run warmups/activation
Run dynamics
Walk warmup prior to run
Bringing as much intentionality as possible to filling up your lungs and long exhale
Goes without saying but get those stress levels under control!
Jim: I’ve been using walk breaks between my Z2 runs and pickups / strides.
See my challenge of the week - sound and smell run.
Swim tips:
Common swim technique issues we see and how to fix them:
Crossover (“train tracks”) - use the lane lines (line at bottom of pool) to enter and pull along the edge.
Head position (“quiet head”) - rotate your body to air, play a game of how little you need to move your head. Think one goggle in, one goggle out.
Hip rotation (“rotating on an axis”)
Kick timing (learn 2-beat; try kicking with fins)
“Soft warm kitty / big dog” / Slow to fast pull after fingertips are pointed to the bottom of the pool. Your entire arm recovery should be elbow led and relaxed.
“Armpit to the sky” - If I’m standing on the side of the pool, I should be able to see your armpit.
Buy a swim snorkel - best way to watch your stroke, especially your pull.
Videos we mentioned:
Fiddle faddle drill (and fins / paddles for purchase)
Easier week, big weekend
We are starting to get to the part of the season where the weekends are BIG training - race simulations, long rides and runs, bigger swims. As such, feel free to adjust your Monday - Friday plan so that you show up on the weekend ready to work. Make adjustments to unload during the week and load for the big weekend work
Lack of swim fitness will have a major effect on your bike/run
One of the biggest myths in triathlon goes: The swim is such a small part of my day timewise so I don’t need to swim much.
While this follows some level of logic, it does not reflect that reality of triathlon and human physiology.
A few reasons to be swim fit:
Swimming is very metabolically challenging and globally demanding on your nervous system. Think of the deep hunger and tiredness you get after a hard swim workout. If this is how you start your race, it will naturally drag down your bike watts and run pace.
Imagine that you have a bucket full of energy. You want to meter out how much energy you pour out for each event. You want to dump out a little of the energy in the swim, a bunch on the bike and have half the bucket full when you hit the run so you can dump all remaining energy into it.
If you are not swim fit, you dump a third of your energy out of the bucket. This leaves A LOT less energy for the bike and run.
If you are not able to get to the pool regularly, which is common for a lot of athletes, plan your swim sessions around finding a very easy swim pace to do your event distance. Practice pulling way back on effort and comfortably doing your swim distance. You aren’t thinking about racing, you are thinking about energy conversation.
Don’t count swim strokes
I’m seeing a number of questions from athletes asking how to improve their swim turnover i.e., taking more swim strokes per 25 in order to increase their speed.
There are many ways to improve your swim speed and turnover is probably not in the top three. The reality is you need to swim more. If you are swimming 2X per week, try increasing it to 3X per week. That will make a big difference.
And if you are not improving after 2-3 months of 3X, you probably need to increase your yards with more sessions. (And of course, send swim videos to your coach to ensure you are executing swim stroke fundamentals correctly.)
Swim conditioning / upper body aerobic fitness takes A LOT of time and is very specific to swimming (no, you can’t increase your swim times by going to the weight room more).
My advice:
Swim more. If you really want to break through in swimming, you need to put in a swim block where you swim 5X per week. This is probably not practical for most triathletes but something to consider next winter.
Focus on a quiet head. A quiet head is the ibuprofen of swimming; it cures many other problems.
Focus on engagement in your glutes and hamstrings and swimming in a cylinder (present less resistance to the water)
Focus on a deeper entry and extension, about a foot under the water and getting a good purchase on the water. Pull slow to fast. Your biggest swim speed gains will come when you can start to feel the resistance of the water. The water will feel more like sand than water.
The best blog post ever on triathlon swimming is Joel Filliol’s The Top 20 Rules for Faster Triathlon Swimming
Here are the first 6 rules:
Conditioning trumps drills. Technique matters, but the way most athletes try to improve technique doesn't work. Get fitter, and your ability to hold good technique improves. It takes a lot of work to develop aerobic conditioning in your upper body. If you think you are already swimming a lot but are not improving, swim more and keep at it. There are no shortcuts.
Traditional drills don't work. The type of drills and the way that most triathletes do them don't actually have any material effect on swimming technique.
Swim more often. Frequency is the best way to improve your swimming. Also see rule #4
Do longer main sets. You can't expect to swim fast and be fresh on the bike if you rarely do main sets with the same or higher volume and pace than you expect in the race. For short course these should be at least 2km, for IM 4km, or more. And that looks like 20-50x100, not many short broken sets adding up to 2-5km.
Don't over think it. Don't under think it. Be engaged with what you are doing in the water, and use tools to help get a better feel for the water. But don't over think every stroke, and suffer from paralysis by analysis. Swimming fast is about rhythm and flow, when good technique becomes automatic.
Increased swim fitness translates to the bike and run. Being able to swim harder, starting the bike both fresher and with faster riders is how that works.
Foot cramps while swimming
I’m getting a number of comments that feet and/or calves are starting to cramp during swimming. This probably due to a couple reasons (as we really don’t know what exactly causes cramps but we have a very good trends that tell us):
Electrolytes - make sure you are well hydrated with electrolytes always and especially on days you are headed to the pool.
Conditioning - part of cramping is the nervous system just isn’t conditioned yet to take the physical demand. As you get more swim fit, these should go away.
And it’s not uncommon to stop getting cramps in the pool but then start to get them once you transition to open water swimming in a wetsuit. Again, this is probably just a slightly different body position and muscle alignment with the wetsuit that is causing a new stimulus and therefore more susceptible to cramping.
TrainingPeaks “See How I StackUp” on the mobile app
This is a great tool and case for being average. To be clear, we aren’t using this feature to compare ourselves to others - that’s a joy killer!
For running, I filter for Last 90 days, my Age Group and gender.
400m, 800m, 1KM, 1 Mile, 5KM, 5 Mile, 10KM, 10 Mile, ½ Marathon, Marathon, 50KM
Your goal is to be average i.e., be between the 40 - 60th percentile which puts you smack dab in the middle of the bell curve. This means that you can show up at any race or group run and be just fine. You may not be the overall winner but you’ll be right there with a good performance.
I’ve been using this tool to help me target my limiters. Since I’m coming back into running, I’ve been focusing on improving my 400 meter time as I know this upper end, short speed will eventually extend out to longer distances as I build run durability.
For biking: 5 sec, 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min60 min, 90 min
Most triathletes tend toward being solid in the 20 min / 60 min / 90 min category and their limiters being 5 sec / 1 min / 5 min power.
Just like in the running example above, there is a downstream effect to improving your high end speed / power.
For me, I’ve always had a fairly poor 5 sec and 1 min power. I’m using this tool this spring to work on my 5 sec power. I’ve gone from the 19th percentile into the 40th percentile. And I don’t think I’ll need to go beyond the 40th percentile as that power burst allows me to follow my faster friends when they put in a big power burst. My goal is to stay with the group so mission accomplished by being average! If I want to win a bike race or crit, I would need to greatly improve this number but within the context I have defined for myself, I’m right where I need to be. And that’s a key point: define what your goals are and then work your training around that. Forget what everyone else is doing, do what is specific to you and joy you want to get from your sport activities.
Key point: For triathletes, you are rewarded for being a well rounded athlete. The equation we use is good+good+good = GREAT race results.
Challenge of the Week
Katie: Make a new playlist to get you pumped for your next long workout!
Jim: Go on a ride or run where you try to hear as many birds as possible (or scents). This will slow you WAY down. Great for recovery.
Gear Pick of the Week
Katie: Tri slide