Episode 44: Training Lows, Athlete Health, and Going All In

In this week's episode, Katie and Elena chat about a bunch of different topics that have featured in both of our lives in recent months, including highs and lows in training, health struggles as an athlete, and the idea of going "all in" on something you love. We specifically dig into Elena's decision to start and DNF the Lavaredo Ultra Trail in the Italian Dolomites, important insights she has picked up about health and fueling in the last several months, and an exciting next chapter of focusing on endurance training and coaching as a primary career objective. We hope this episode is relatable for listeners out there going through the ups and downs of training and life, and we close with an important lesson: when you commit, magical things happen! Check it out.

Nike ad we talked about

Gear Pick of the Week

Katie: Boco visors (bring back visors!)
Elena: Janji hyperlight hat (but don’t wear it backwards)